On June 2, Nisos Benidorm will open its doors again. We try to adapt to this situation and our main concern will be your safety and ours.
Diving will continue to be safe, but we will need you to follow the next recommendations; please take a couple of minutes to read them carefully
- The registration form will be completed exclusively online.
- Payment for the activity, in case it has not been done online, will be made at the entrance, to avoid going twice through the office. We recommend payment by credit / debit card.
- The use of a mask / protective screen will be mandatory at all times, even on board the boat.
- The diving documentation will not be delivered, you must take it with you on board (digital or physical).
- In case you have passed through the COVID-19 you must provide a medical certificate suitable for diving with a post-discharge date.
- We will have at your disposal, at the counter, an automatic hydroalcoholic gel dispenser. It will be mandatory when entering the facilities.
- On the floor you can find marks to be able to keep the safety distance inside Nisos Benidorm. Please try to keep that safe distance outside at all times.
- The toilet will remain closed. It can only be used in case of urgent need. If so, ask the staff for the key.
- The changing room and showers will also be closed. We recommend that you bring your swimsuit. We will try to make it easier for you to take a shower outside, but we urge you to do so as much as possible in your accommodation or when you return home.
- The vans are restricted to a maximum of 6 people (including the driver). The distribution will be 2 people per row, leaving the central seat free.
- On the boat we will NOT be able to continue offering you drinks, so you should bring your own individual water bottle (preferably not disposable for the sake of the environment) or buy it at the dive center.
- It is recommended to bring a waterproof bag / box to carry on board, in order to store the mask, anti-fog liquid, your water bottle, mobile phone and diving documentation (also recommended your own hydroalcoholic gel).
- Spitting will not be allowed in the diving masks, not even in their own, to avoid the spread of micro saliva drops around, so each diver must have their own anti-fog liquid, since the diving center will not provide one for share.
- The staff at Nisos Benidorm will provide you with your tank and weights, if you don’t have them. From that moment, you will be responsible for the management of your equipment. If it is not essential, nobody will touch your equipment. When you return from diving, you must deliver your tank and weights to the place that was delivered to you.
- All the rental equipment will be delivered properly disinfected but it is recommended to have the following minimum equipment:
- Diving regulator
- Diving mask
- Booties
- Anti-fog mask
- Rental regulators will be delivered without mouthpieces. If you don’t have them, you can buy them at a very reduced price in our store.
- Upon arrival in port, if you have your own equipment, we will sweeten your equipment with the dock hose.
- The rinse tanks in Nisos Benidorm will be restricted for rinsing the rental equipment. The user of the equipment will be responsible for rinsing and returning the rented equipment, although the disinfection process will be carried out by the staff of Nisos Benidorm following the protocol.
The diving equipment for rent, as well as the common areas, are disinfected following the recommendations indicated in the DAN protocols and the Manual of Prevention and Good Practices for Dive Centers.
Protocolo COVID-19 DAN ESDescarga
Manual Centros Buceo vs. COVID-19